Nose; smell; Acute, over sensitive
View page in remedy finderNose; smell; acute, over sensitive; 1acon., 2agar., alum., 2anac., ant-c., arn., 2ars., asar., 1aur., 2bar-c., 1bell., bry., 2calc., canth., caps., carb-ac., 2carb-s., 2cham., 1chin., cina., 2cocc., 1coff., 2colch., 2con., cupr., cycl., 1graph., ham., 2hep., hyos., 2hyper., 1ign., kali-ar., kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., 2kalm., lach., lact-ac., 1lyc., 2lyss., mag-c., mez., nat-a., nat-c., nat-p., 2nux-m., 1nux-v., 1op., petr., ph-ac., 1phos., 2plat., 2plb., puls., sabad., sel., 1sep., sil., stann., 2sulph., tab., thuj., valer., viol-o., zinc.
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; everything smells too strong; aur.
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; during headache; 1phos.
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; during pregnancy; stann.
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; sensitive to the odour of broth; 1colch.
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; sensitive to the odour of coffee; arg-n., lach., sul-ac.
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; sensitive to the odour of cooking food; chin., 1colch., 2dig., 2eup-per., 2sep., stann.
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; sensitive to the odour of eggs; 1colch.
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; sensitive to the odour of fish; 2colch.
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; sensitive to the odour of flowers; all-c., chin., 1graph., hyos., 2lac-c., lyc., 1nux-v., 1phos., sang.
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; sensitive to the odour of food; arg-n., 1ars., 2cocc., 1colch., eup-per., 2ip., lach., 1sep., stann.
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; gas causes vertigo, dizziness; 1nux-v., 1phos.
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; sensitive to the odour of mice; sabad.
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; sensitive to the odour of peaches; all-c.
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; sensitive to the odour of soot; bell.
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; sensitive to sour odours; dros.
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; Sensitive to strong odours
Nose; smell; acute, over sensitive; sensitive to the odour of wine; tab.