Face; heat; With cold elsewhere
View page in remedy finderFace; heat; with cold elsewhere; body; 2arn., 2calc-p., cann-s., 2cham., 2chin., 2led., nit-ac., 2stram., tab., trom.
Face; heat; with cold elsewhere; feet; acon., gels., ign., samb., sep., 1stram.
Face; heat; with cold elsewhere; hands; 1arn., ars., asaf., con., cycl., 2dros., eupho., hyos., ign., ruta., sabin., 1stram., sumb., thuj.
Face; heat; with cold elsewhere; limbs; 2arn., 2calc-p., cham., chin., hell., 2stram.
Face; heat; with cold elsewhere; nose; arn.