Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; Eczema
View page in remedy finderFace; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; alum., 2anac., 2ant-c., 1ars., 2bar-c., 2bor., 2calc-s., 1calc., carb-v., 2caust., 1cic., clem., 1crot-t., cur., cycl., 1dulc., ferr-i., 2fl-ac., 1graph., 1hep., 2iris., 2kali-ar., 2lyc., merc-i-r., 2merc., 2mez., mur-ac., nat-m., 2petr., phos., 1psor., ran-b., 1rhus-t., 1sars., 2sep., sil., staph., sul-ac., 1sulph., 2syph., vinc., 2viol-t.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; bleeding; alum., 2ars., dulc., 2hep., 2lyc., 2merc., 2petr., psor., sep., 2sulph.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; burning; 2cic., 2viol-t.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; offensive smelling; lyc.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; heat of heater; 1ant-c.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; like dried honey; 2ant-c., 1cic., mez.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; margins of hair; 1sulph.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; moist; 2cic., 1graph., 1lyc., 2petr., 2psor., 2rhus-t.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; in breast feeding mothers; sep.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; chin; bor., 2cic., graph., 2merc-i-r., phos., rhus-t., sep.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; spreading from ear; ars.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; spreading from back of head; 2lyc., sil.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; around mouth; 2mez., mur-ac., 2nat-m.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; corners of mouth; 2arund., 2graph., 2hep., lyc., 2rhus-t., sil.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; nose; 2ant-c., caust., 2cist., rhus-t., 2sep., sulph.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; nose; split of right wing; 2thuj.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; elevations; bell., cic., cop., nat-a., pic-ac.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; elevations; hardened; rhus-v.
Face; skin; out-breaks on skin; eczema; elevations; reddish; pic-ac., rhus-v.