Face; skin; wrinkled; Forehead
View page in remedy finderFace; skin; wrinkled; forehead; acet-ac., alum., brom., 2caust., 2cham., 2cycl., 2graph., grat., 2hell., 2lyc., mang., merc., nat-m., ox-ac., phos., rheum., rhus-t., 2sep., 2stram., zinc.
Face; skin; wrinkled; forehead; with brain symptoms; 2hell., 1stram.
Face; skin; wrinkled; forehead; with chest symptoms; 1lyc.
Face; skin; wrinkled; forehead; in headache; aster., 2caust., grat., hyos., nat-m., phos., 1stram., sulph., viol-o.
Face; skin; wrinkled; forehead; sensation of wrinkling; 2graph., thuj.
Face; skin; wrinkled; forehead; eyebrows; ox-ac., stram., ther.