Repertory listing

Mouth; discoloration; tongue; Brown

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Mouth; discoloration; tongue; brown; aesc., 1ail., ant-t., 2anthr., 2apis., 2arn., ars-i., 1ars., atro., aur., 1bapt., 2bell., 1bry., 2cadm., 2carb-ac., 2carb-v., 2chel., 1chin-a., 2chin., coc-c., 2colch., 2crot-h., 2cupr., 2dig., dios., dor., elat., gels., guai., 2hep., 1hyos., iod., 2kali-bi., kali-br., 1kali-p., 2lac-c., 1lach., 2lyc., med., 2merc-i-f., 2merc., 2nux-v., 2op., ox-ac., ph-ac., 1phos., phyt., 1plb., ptel., 2pyrog., 1rhus-t., rumx., sabin., 1sec., 2sep., 2sil., 2spong., 2sulph., tarent., ter., verb.

Mouth; discoloration; tongue; brown; morning; 2bapt., 1rhus-t.

Mouth; discoloration; tongue; brown; Centre

Mouth; discoloration; tongue; brown; red tip and edges; 2lyc., rhus-t.

Mouth; discoloration; tongue; brown; sides, brown; 2kali-bi.

Mouth; discoloration; tongue; brown; reddish-brown; rumx., sul-ac., 2zinc.

Mouth; discoloration; tongue; brown; yellowish-brown; ant-t., bapt., brom., 2carb-v., cina., crot-h., dios., merc-i-f., rumx., verb.

Mouth; discoloration; tongue; brown; yellowish-brown; with shining edges; bapt.