Mouth; Pain
View page in remedy finderMouth; pain; acon., ail., alum., alumn., caust., coloc., cop., ferr-i., fl-ac., ip., kali-p., merc., mez., mur-ac., myric., 2nat-m., 2nit-ac., par., sul-ac., verat.
Mouth; pain; Gums
Mouth; pain; Palate (roof of mouth)
Mouth; pain; Tongue
Mouth; pain; Aching
Mouth; pain; boring; gums; 2calc.
Mouth; pain; boring; palate; 2aur.
Mouth; pain; boring; tongue; clem.
Mouth; pain; boring; tongue; right edge; ars.
Mouth; pain; boring; tongue; night; con.
Mouth; pain; Burning, raw and smarting
Mouth; pain; As if burnt
Mouth; pain; constricting tongue, low down in region of bone supporting tongue; 2all-c.
Mouth; pain; Contracting
Mouth; pain; cutting; gums; nit-ac.
Mouth; pain; cutting; palate, when swallowing; hell.
Mouth; pain; cutting; tongue; 2bov., euon., guare., thuj.
Mouth; pain; cutting; tongue; edges; mag-s.
Mouth; pain; Pulling
Mouth; pain; as if excoriated; aesc., ambr., asim., bism-ox., oena.
Mouth; pain; as if excoriated; tongue; arum-m., aur-m.
Mouth; pain; as if excoriated; tongue; tip; bar-c.
Mouth; pain; sensation of fish bone in root of tongue, on swallowing; ars.
Mouth; pain; pressing; in gums; arn., aur., hep., 2sil.
Mouth; pain; pressing; in gums; like a leaden bullet, lower gums; arn.
Mouth; pain; pressing; palate; arum-t., aur., 1carb-v., cham., sars., thuj.
Mouth; pain; pressing; palate; when swallowing; caps.
Mouth; pain; pressing; palate; soft palate; ruta.
Mouth; pain; pressing; tongue; astac., 2ham., 2merc., ust.
Mouth; pain; rasping; ambr., asar.
Mouth; pain; rasping; while eating solids; ph-ac.
Mouth; pain; rasping; palate; aphis., carb-v., mez., mur-ac., ran-s.
Mouth; pain; Scraping
Mouth; pain; Sore
Mouth; pain; like a splinter; 2nit-ac.
Mouth; pain; like a splinter; tongue; staph.
Mouth; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; Gums
Mouth; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; Palate (roof of mouth)
Mouth; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; Tongue
Mouth; pain; Tearing
Mouth; pain; ulcerative; gums; acon., bell., graph., 2hep., 2sil.
Mouth; pain; ulcerative; gums; on pressing gums; phel.
Mouth; pain; ulcerative; palate; am-c., caust., 2rhus-t.
Mouth; pain; ulcerative; tongue; arg-n.
Mouth; pain; ulcerative; tongue; tip; aesc., calc.