Mouth; saliva; mucus, slime; Collection of mucus on tongue (see sticky)
View page in remedy finderMouth; saliva; mucus, slime; collection of mucus on tongue; all-c., alum., 2alumn., arg-n., ars-h., ars-m., arum-d., 2bar-c., bar-m., 2bell., berb., calc., canth., carb-ac., carb-an., chel., chin-a., 2cocc., colch., cupr., dulc., fl-ac., grat., 2hydr., jug-r., kali-n., kali-p., kali-s., kreos., 2lach., lact., merc-c., 2merc., 1nat-m., 2nat-s., nux-m., 2petr., ph-ac., 2phos., phyt., 1puls., rhus-t., sec., 1sep., 2sulph., 2verb., viol-t., 2zinc.
Mouth; saliva; mucus, slime; collection of mucus on tongue; morning; agar., sang., verb.
Mouth; saliva; mucus, slime; collection of mucus on tongue; after eating; verb.
Mouth; saliva; mucus, slime; collection of mucus on tongue; can be pulled off in string; bell.
Mouth; saliva; mucus, slime; collection of mucus on tongue; tough; bell., cupr., dulc., lach., merc., nux-v., ph-ac., puls., sulph.