Mouth; saliva; Sticky, thick and sticky
View page in remedy finderMouth; saliva; sticky, thick and sticky; 2berb., calad., 2nat-m., ruta., squil., 2verat.
Mouth; saliva; sticky, thick and sticky; morning; 2berb., 2crot-h., 2sabad.
Mouth; saliva; sticky, thick and sticky; better eating; berb.
Mouth; saliva; sticky, thick and sticky; feverish feeling; 2gels.
Mouth; saliva; sticky, thick and sticky; tongue; 2am-m., ars., bell., berb., 2bry., 2carb-v., 2con., 2lact-ac., 2merc-i-r., nat-m., 1nux-m., 2ph-ac., puls., sin-n., 2verat.