Mouth; Sensitive
View page in remedy finderMouth; sensitive; 2apis., 2coc-c., ip., lyc., naja., 1phyt., sin-n., sul-ac.
Mouth; sensitive; to air; agar.
Mouth; sensitive; food and drink unbearable; sin-n.
Mouth; sensitive; to touch; 1hep., 2nat-s.
Mouth; sensitive; tongue; 2carb-v., 2crot-t., 2fl-ac., gamb., graph., kali-i., merc-c., merc-i-r., 2merc., 2nat-m., 2nit-ac., osm., 2ox-ac., petr., 2phyt., 1tarax.
Mouth; sensitive; tongue; even to soft food; 2nit-ac., osm.
Mouth; sensitive; tip of tongue; 2crot-t., phyt.