Mouth; teeth; pain; Cutting
View page in remedy finderMouth; teeth; pain; cutting; alum., arn., 2aur., bell., benz-ac., calc., 2camph., daph., graph., ham., kali-c., 2lach., 2mez., olnd., petr., ran-b., 2rhod., rob., sep.
Mouth; teeth; pain; cutting; evening, when lying in bed; alum.
Mouth; teeth; pain; cutting; while lying; alum.
Mouth; teeth; pain; cutting; in open air; alum.
Mouth; teeth; pain; cutting; shooting through gums to roots of incisors and canines; camph.
Mouth; teeth; pain; cutting; seems to originate in swollen gland by neck, under jaw; camph.
Mouth; teeth; pain; cutting; before thunderstorm; 2rhod.
Mouth; teeth; pain; cutting; in roots; camph.