Mouth; teeth; pain; pulling; Extending to other parts
View page in remedy finderMouth; teeth; pain; pulling; extending to other parts; cheek; am-c., sep.
Mouth; teeth; pain; pulling; extending to other parts; ear; alum., am-c., 2ammc., anac., aphis., bar-c., cocc-s., 1kreos., 2nat-m.
Mouth; teeth; pain; pulling; extending to other parts; eyes; chel., nat-m.
Mouth; teeth; pain; pulling; extending to other parts; to side of head; alum., apis.
Mouth; teeth; pain; pulling; extending to other parts; cheek bone; alum., aphis.
Mouth; teeth; pain; pulling; extending to other parts; neck; 2alum.
Mouth; teeth; pain; pulling; extending to other parts; larynx; alum., nit-ac.
Mouth; teeth; pain; pulling; extending to other parts; shoulders; alum.
Mouth; teeth; pain; pulling; extending to other parts; other teeth, right side; aphis.
Mouth; teeth; pain; pulling; extending to other parts; right temple; bar-c., kreos.
Mouth; teeth; pain; pulling; extending to other parts; throat; nat-m.