Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; Molars
View page in remedy finderMouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; am-c., anag., apis., bar-c., benz-ac., 2carb-v., 2gamb., grat., rhod., zinc.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; lower; aesc., agar., alum., bell., zinc.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; lower; right; canth., verb.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; lower; left; colch.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; upper; right; aur., ph-ac.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; upper; left; am-c., arn., berb., cupr-ar., guai., zinc.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; left, alternating with itching in left ear; agar.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; left, alternating with right; am-m.
Mouth; teeth; pain; tearing; molars; after getting wet; acon.