Throat; voice; Rough
View page in remedy finderThroat; voice; rough; acon., 2all-s., 2alum., am-c., ambr., ant-c., apis., ars-i., ars., 2bar-c., 1bell., 2brom., 2bry., cahin., calc-ar., 2calc., canth., 2carb-s., 1carb-v., 2caust., 2cham., chin-a., 2chin., 2coc-c., 2coff., crot-t., cupr., cycl., dig., dros., 2graph., hep., 1hyos., 2iod., kali-ar., 1kali-bi., kali-c., kali-n., mag-m., mag-s., 2mang., 2meny., merc-c., merc-i-r., 2merc., mez., nat-m., nit-ac., 2nux-v., op., ox-ac., 1phos., plb., prun-s., 1puls., 2seneg., 2sil., 2spong., stram., 2sulph., sumb., thuj., 2zinc.
Throat; voice; rough; morning; 2calc., coc-c., coff., 2mang.
Throat; voice; rough; late morning; sulph.
Throat; voice; rough; afternoon; alum., coc-c.
Throat; voice; rough; evening; alum., coloc., kali-bi., sulph.
Throat; voice; rough; on going into open air; 1mang.
Throat; voice; rough; worse draft of air; 2merc.
Throat; voice; rough; before going to bed; ox-ac.
Throat; voice; rough; better smoking; 2mang.
Throat; voice; rough; from talking; am-c., 2coc-c.