Abdomen; Constriction
View page in remedy finderAbdomen; constriction; aesc., 2alum-m., 2alum., alumn., 2arg-n., 2arn., ars., aur-m., bell., berb., 2cact., 2calc., camph., carb-an., carb-v., 2carl., cench., 2chel., chin., clem., coc-c., cocc., 1coloc., crot-c., cupr., dig., eupho., ferr-ar., ferr-m., hydrc., kali-bi., laur., 2lyc., merl., mez., mosch., nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac., nux-m., 2nux-v., petr., phos., 2plat., 2plb., sars., 2sec., 2sep., sil., sul-ac., sulph., thuj.
Abdomen; constriction; morning; calc.
Abdomen; constriction; night; phos., sulph.
Abdomen; constriction; night; 4 a.m.; nat-m.
Abdomen; constriction; like a band around abdomen; crot-c.
Abdomen; constriction; during cough; lach.
Abdomen; constriction; from fasting; carb-an.
Abdomen; constriction; better passing flatulence; sil.
Abdomen; constriction; while lying down; zinc.
Abdomen; constriction; during period; cact., cocc., croc., 2sulph.
Abdomen; constriction; rhythmical; caust.
Abdomen; constriction; worse rising; zinc.
Abdomen; constriction; during stool; sulph.
Abdomen; constriction; during desire for stool; ars., nat-m., nat-s.
Abdomen; constriction; before diarrhoea stool; laur.
Abdomen; constriction; as by a string; caust., 1chel.
Abdomen; constriction; as if intestines were string; elaps., verat.
Abdomen; constriction; walking; nat-m.
Abdomen; constriction; walking; while in open air; nux-v.
Abdomen; constriction; extending to bladder; 1puls.
Abdomen; constriction; extending to chest; 2calc.
Abdomen; constriction; extending to chest; before stool; nat-s.
Abdomen; constriction; Behind lower ribs
Abdomen; constriction; lower part of abdomen; bar-c., 2bell., 2chel., clem., coloc., euon., 2hydr., sars., thuj., verb.
Abdomen; constriction; lower part of abdomen; late morning; sars.
Abdomen; constriction; lower part of abdomen; evening; sars.
Abdomen; constriction; groin region; bov., cact., gamb., kali-n., mag-c., rat.
Abdomen; constriction; groin region; better stretching out; bov.
Abdomen; constriction; groin region; extending around pelvis; 2cact.
Abdomen; constriction; sides, below short ribs, extending to other parts of the abdomen; camph.
Abdomen; constriction; navel; bell., 1coloc., plb., puls., sil., verb.
Abdomen; constriction; region of navel; coloc., mag-m., nat-m., nit-ac., petr., 2plat., plb., thuj., verb.