Abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; Sensation of bubbling
View page in remedy finderAbdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; sensation of bubbling; ., 1lyc., nat-m., ph-ac., 2puls., stann., 2sul-ac., tarax.
Abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; sensation of bubbling; while lying on the back; 2sul-ac.
Abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; sensation of bubbling; groin region; berb., lyc.
Abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; sensation of bubbling; in liver; laur., lil-t.
Abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; sensation of bubbling; sides; arg-m., cupr., nux-v., squil., sul-ac.
Abdomen; noises from abdomen; rumbling; sensation of bubbling; sides; left; sumb.