Abdomen; pain; region of hip; Around hip
View page in remedy finderAbdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; agar., alum., berb., calc., 2carb-ac., 2carb-v., cimic., crot-t., cupr., dios., dulc., elaps., eupi., gels., grat., iris., kreos., lil-t., lith., nat-a., ox-ac., phos., plan., plat., plb., ptel., spig., stann., 2ter., zinc., zing.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; right; 2cocc., 2kali-c., phos., phys., 2pic-ac., ptel., sumb.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; left; 2caust., cimic., 2colch., crot-h., cupr., dios., eupi., gels., naja., nat-a., ox-ac., puls-n., 1thuj.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; morning; sumb.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; morning; before stool; sumb.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; noon; thuj.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; evening; bor., dios., naja., rhus-t., zinc.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; evening; after supper; zinc.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; night; dios., pic-ac.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; night; 11 p.m.; pic-ac.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; on bending; puls-n.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; after breakfast; zinc.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; on coughing; 2caust., eupi.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; after dinner; phos.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; better eating; phys.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; lying on left side; 2com., phys.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; on movement; ptel., puls-n.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; comes on suddenly; 2cocc.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; better pressure; phys.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; raising arm; eupi.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; while sitting; agar.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; before stool; sumb.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; after supper; zinc.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; while walking; eupi.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; while walking; in room; thuj.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; better while walking in open air; phys.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; extending from hip to hip; asar., cimic., lil-t.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; extending to knee; 2kali-c.
Abdomen; pain; region of hip; around hip; extending down thighs; 2thuj.