Rectum; diarrhoea; After certain foods or drinks
View page in remedy finderRectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; alcoholic drinks; ant-t., ars., lach., 1nux-v., sulph.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; drinking beer; 2aloe., 2chin., 2gamb., ind., 2kali-bi., 2lyc., 2mur-ac., 1sulph.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; cabbage; bry., petr., podo.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; castor oil; bry.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; chocolate; bor., 2lith.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; cider; 2ant-c., 2calc-p., 2podo.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; coffee; canth., caust., 2cist., coloc., corn., 2cycl., fl-ac., hyper., ign., nat-m., osm., ox-ac., phos., 2thuj.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; smell of coffee; sul-ac.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; cucumbers; verat.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; being drunk; ant-c., 1nux-v.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; from drinking water; 2aloe., ant-c., ant-t., 2apis., 1arg-n., 1ars., 2asaf., bry., calc-ar., caps., 2cina., coloc., 2crot-t., cub., 2elat., 1ferr-ar., 1ferr., fl-ac., gamb., 2grat., kali-ar., kali-n., lach., laur., manc., nux-m., 1nux-v., 2podo., rhod., sec., staph., 2sul-ac., sulph., 2trom., verat.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; from drinking water; immediately after; 2arg-n., cina., 2crot-t., 2podo.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; eggs; chin-a.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; fish; chin-a.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; artificial food; alum., calc., mag-c., sulph.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; change of food; all-s., nux-v.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; starchy food; lyc., nat-c., 1nat-m., 1nat-s.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; fatty food; ant-c., carb-v., cycl., 2kali-chl., 2puls., thuj.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; rancid food; 2ars., carb-v.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; rich food; arg-n., 2ip., kali-chl., 2nat-s., phos., 1puls.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; solid food; bapt., 2olnd., 1ph-ac., 2podo.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; Fruit
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; after eating game; 1ars., 2carb-v., 2crot-h., 2lach.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; ginger; 2nux-v.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; ice cream; arg-n., 1ars., bry., calc-p., 2carb-v., dulc., 2puls.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; lemonade; 2cit-ac., 2phyt.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; From meat
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; milk; aeth., ars., bry., 1calc., con., 2kali-ar., 2kali-c., 2lyc., 2mag-c., 1mag-m., 1nat-a., 1nat-c., 2nicc., nit-ac., 2nux-m., podo., 1sep., 2sil., 2sulph.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; milk; boiled milk; 2nux-m.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; milk; sour milk; 2podo.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; onions; lyc., nux-v., 2puls., 2thuj.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; oysters; 2aloe., 2brom., 2lyc., 2podo., 2sul-ac.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; pastry; arg-n., 2ip., 2kali-chl., 2lyc., 2nat-s., 2ph-ac., phos., 1puls.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; potatoes; 2alum., coloc., sep., verat.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; sweet potatoes; 2calc-ar.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; salmon; 2fl-ac.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; sauerkraut; 2bry., 2petr.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; s-fish; carb-v.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; soup; mag-c.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; spices; phos.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; sugar; 1arg-n., calc., crot-t., 2merc., ox-ac., 2sulph., trom.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; sugar; maple sugar; calc-s.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; vegetables; ars., bry., cist., cupr., hell., lept., 2lyc., nat-a., nat-c., 2nat-m., 2nat-s., petr., podo., verat.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; vinegar; 2ant-c.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; from wine; lach., lyc., 2zinc.
Rectum; diarrhoea; after certain foods or drinks; from wine; sour; 1ant-c.