Rectum; diarrhoea; With fever
View page in remedy finderRectum; diarrhoea; with fever; hectic during fever; aesc.
Rectum; diarrhoea; with fever; during fever; ars., chin-a., 1cina., cocc., con., gels., puls., 2rhus-t., thuj.
Rectum; diarrhoea; with fever; severe fever; camph., cupr., pyrog.
Rectum; diarrhoea; with fever; from childbirth; carb-ac., 2pyrog., sulph.
Rectum; diarrhoea; with fever; typhoid; 2agar., 2apis., arg-n., 2ars., 2bapt., 2bry., 2calc., 1hyos., 2lach., lyss., 2mur-ac., 2nit-ac., 2op., 2ph-ac., 1phos., 2rhus-t., sec., 2stram., 2sul-ac., ter., verat.