Rectum; Fullness
View page in remedy finderRectum; fullness; acon., 1aesc., agar., 1aloe., alum., apis., ars., bell., berb., bry., carb-v., caust., cycl., ferr., 1ham., kali-bi., 2lach., lil-t., manc., med., meli., 1nit-ac., phos., plan., sabin., stram., 1sulph., thuj.
Rectum; fullness; alternating with sensation of emptiness; thuj.
Rectum; fullness; after stool; 1aesc., alum., 2lyc., 2sep.
Rectum; fullness; after walking; aesc.
Rectum; fullness; perineum; alum., berb., bry., 2chin., cycl., nux-v.