Rectum; Involuntary stool
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Rectum; involuntary stool; morning; 2zinc.
Rectum; involuntary stool; Night
Rectum; involuntary stool; on bending over; 2ruta.
Rectum; involuntary stool; during convulsion; 2oena., stry.
Rectum; involuntary stool; on coughing or sneezing; bell., merc., ph-ac., 2phos., rumx., spong., 2squil., 2sulph., verat.
Rectum; involuntary stool; on coughing or sneezing; on sneezing; 2sulph.
Rectum; involuntary stool; while eating; ferr.
Rectum; involuntary stool; after eating; 2aloe., chin.
Rectum; involuntary stool; from excitement; 2hyos.
Rectum; involuntary stool; on passing flatulence; acon., 1aloe., 2apoc., bell., 2carb-v., 2caust., cench., ferr-ma., ign., jatr., kali-c., mur-ac., 2nat-c., 2nat-m., 1nat-p., 2nat-s., nux-v., 1olnd., 1ph-ac., 1podo., pyrog., sanic., staph., sulph., 2tub., 1verat.
Rectum; involuntary stool; formed stool; 2aloe., 2bell., 2coloc.
Rectum; involuntary stool; after a fright; 1op., 2phos., 2verat.
Rectum; involuntary stool; from grief; op.
Rectum; involuntary stool; hard stool; bell., caust., coloc.
Rectum; involuntary stool; after labour; hyos.
Rectum; involuntary stool; on laughing; 2sulph.
Rectum; involuntary stool; lumps of stool; 2aloe., 2coloc.
Rectum; involuntary stool; on movement; apis., bry., 2ph-ac., 2phos.
Rectum; involuntary stool; from paralysis; 2alum., bell., hyos., laur., 2nux-v., op.
Rectum; involuntary stool; during sleep; 2arn., ars., arum-t., bell., 2bry., cench., chin., colch., 2con., 2hyos., lach., laur., merc., mosch., 2mur-ac., nat-m., nat-s., 2ph-ac., 2phos., 1podo., 1psor., 2puls., 2rhus-t., 2sulph., 2thuj., 2tub., verat., zinc.
Rectum; involuntary stool; when standing up; aloe., ars., 2coloc.
Rectum; involuntary stool; on stooping; 2ruta.
Rectum; involuntary stool; while urinating; ail., 2aloe., bell., 2carb-ac., carb-s., 2hyos., ind., 2mur-ac., nat-s., phos., squil., 2sulph., verat.
Rectum; involuntary stool; while urinating; and going for stool; acon., apis., 2arg-n., 2arn., 2ars., atro., aur., bar-c., bell., bry., calc., camph., carb-v., chin-a., 2chin., cina., colch., con., dig., 2hyos., 2laur., mosch., 1mur-ac., nat-m., 2olnd., 2ph-ac., 2phos., puls., pyrog., rhus-t., sec., stram., sulph., verat., zinc.
Rectum; involuntary stool; while urinating; when not straining at stool, voluntary defecation impossible; arg-n.
Rectum; involuntary stool; during vomiting; arg-n., ars.
Rectum; involuntary stool; on walking; aloe.