Rectum; Sensation of lump (see weight)
View page in remedy finderRectum; sensation of lump; aloe., anac., apoc., bry., cann-i., 2caust., 2crot-t., 2kali-bi., 2lach., lil-t., med., 2nat-m., rumx., sacc., sang., sarr., 1sep., 2sil., sulph., ther.
Rectum; sensation of lump; during period; 2sil.
Rectum; sensation of lump; worse sitting; cann-i., kali-bi., lach., nat-m.
Rectum; sensation of lump; worse standing; 2lil-t.
Rectum; sensation of lump; not relieved by stool; 1sep.
Rectum; sensation of lump; before stool; 2lach.
Rectum; sensation of lump; perineum; 1chin., 2ther.