Rectum; Swelling of anus
View page in remedy finderRectum; swelling of anus; 2aesc., 2apis., aur., bell., bor., bufo., 2coll., crot-t., cur., 2graph., 2hep., ign., kali-i., lach., led., mur-ac., nux-v., 2paeon., phys., 2podo., sarr., 2sulph., teucr.
Rectum; swelling of anus; from internal pressure; agar., op.
Rectum; swelling of anus; black; 2carb-v., 2mur-ac.
Rectum; swelling of anus; during period; sep.
Rectum; swelling of anus; sensation of; 2aesc., cact., graph., hep., nat-m., nux-m., sulph.
Rectum; swelling of anus; line of perineum; thuj.