Genitals; male; erections; Impotency
View page in remedy finderGenitals; male; erections; impotency; 2agar., 1agn., 2alum., am-c., 2ant-c., arg-m., 2arg-n., ars-i., ars., aur-s., aur., 1bar-c., bor., 2bufo., 1calad., 1calc-s., 1calc., 2camph., cann-s., caps., carb-s., 2caust., chin-s., 1chin., 2cob., 2coc-c., coch., 2coff., coloc., 1con., corn., crot-t., dig., dios., dulc., elaps., eug., ferr-i., 2ferr., 2fl-ac., gels., 2graph., 2ham., 2hell., helon., hyos., ign., 2iod., 2kali-br., kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., kreos., 2lach., 2lec., 1lyc., 2mag-c., 1med., 2merc., 2mosch., mur-ac., nat-c., 2nat-m., 2nat-p., 2nit-ac., 2nuph., 2nux-m., 1nux-v., 2onos., 2op., 2ph-ac., 1phos., 2phyt., 2plb., 2psor., 2puls., rhod., 2sabad., 1sel., 1sep., sil., spong., 2stann., 2staph., stram., 1sulph., sumb., tab., teucr., ther., 2thuj., tus-p., 2uran., ust.
Genitals; male; erections; impotency; morning; graph., lact.
Genitals; male; erections; impotency; evening and night; 2agar., kali-p., pall.
Genitals; male; erections; impotency; when awake; op.
Genitals; male; erections; impotency; chronic; lyc.
Genitals; male; erections; impotency; from a cold; mosch.
Genitals; male; erections; impotency; from holding urine; 1con., 2phos.
Genitals; male; erections; impotency; after gonorrhoea; 2agn., cob., cub., hydr., med., sulph., 2thuj.
Genitals; male; erections; impotency; penis relaxed when excited; 1calad.
Genitals; male; erections; impotency; penis relaxed when excited; small and cold; 1agn., 2bar-c., berb., caps., 1lyc., 2sulph.
Genitals; male; erections; impotency; made useless by sudden laxness of penis; camph.
Genitals; male; erections; impotency; from syphilis; merc.