Genitals; male; pain; Testes
View page in remedy finderGenitals; male; pain; testes; abrot., alumn., am-c., ant-ox., 1arg-m., 2arn., asaf., 1aur., bapt., 2bell., 2berb., bism-ox., 2calc., cann-s., carb-s., 2caust., chel., cimic., 1clem., cocc., 2coloc., 2con., der., dig., dios., equis., 2ham., ign., ind., 2iod., kali-br., kali-i., kali-n., kalm., 2lith., lycps., lyss., 2merc., nat-c., 2nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., nux-v., ol-an., op., osm., ox-ac., ph-ac., phos., pip-m., 2plb., polyg-h., 1puls., 1rhod., sabad., sel., 1sep., sil., 1spong., 1staph., tarax., tarent., thuj., ust., verat-v., 2zinc.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; right; 1arg-m., arg-n., 1aur., bism-ox., 2caust., chel., cob., coloc., dig., ind., jac-c., morph., nat-a., nat-m., nat-p., osm., 1rhod.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; right; better after urinating; cob.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; right; to left; kalm.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; left; alum., con., der., dios., kali-br., lycps., nat-c., polyg-h., 2staph., sumb., verat-v.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; morning; 2clem., kalm., sars., verat-v.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; noon; 2caust., ust.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; afternoon; dios., kalm.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; afternoon; 2 p.m.; ery-a.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; evening; chin-s., lycps., sel., ust., verat-v.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; evening; in bed; 2arg-m.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; evening; before urination; equis.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; night; cer-s., osm.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; on coughing; am-c., nat-m., osm., zinc.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; during emission, ejaculation; caps.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; after emission, ejaculation; mag-m., ox-ac., 2ph-ac.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; after erections; con., mag-m., ox-ac.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; worse lying; sil.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; worse movement; asaf., berb., ery-a., mag-m., ox-ac.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; better movement; arg-m., carb-s., 2rhod.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; comes on suddenly; spong.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; worse pressure of clothing; 1arg-m.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; after rising; mag-m.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; after sexual excitement; 2iod., kali-n., lyss., staph.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; sickening as from a blow; nat-a.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; while sitting; 1puls., rhod.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; worse standing; rhod.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; stepping heavily; colch., coloc.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; during stool; coca., phos.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; on touch; alum., mag-m., spong., staph.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; while urinating; polyg-h.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; while walking; 1arg-m., clem., coloc., jac-c., 2lyc., ox-ac., 2staph., sumb., thuj., zinc.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; worse wine; thuj.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; extending through abdomen; fago.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; extending to abdomen; iod.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; extending into spermatic cord; arum-t., plb., polyg-h., staph.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; suddenly shifting to bowels causing nausea; ham.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; extending to stomach; ham.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; boring; plb., sil.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; compressing testes; am-c., petr., sil., squil., staph., thuj., zinc.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; compressing testes; right; arg-m., staph.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; crushed testes; 1arg-m., calc., 2caust., con., dig., 1rhod., thuj.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; crushed testes; right, while walking; 1arg-m.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; crushed testes; from a jar; colch.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; gnawing, biting pain in testes; ph-ac., plat.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; squeezing; 2sil., 1spong.
Genitals; male; pain; testes; twinging; coloc.