Repertory listing

Genitals; male; pain; burning; Scrotum

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Genitals; male; pain; burning; scrotum; ars., 2calc., cann-i., carl., cop., eupho., lachn., mez., petr., plat., rhod., rhus-v., sil., spong., sulph.

Genitals; male; pain; burning; scrotum; itching; cocc.

Genitals; male; pain; burning; scrotum; after rubbing; rhus-t., rhus-v., thuj.

Genitals; male; pain; burning; scrotum; after scratching; 2nat-s.

Genitals; male; pain; burning; scrotum; between scrotum, and thighs; bar-c.

Genitals; male; pain; burning; scrotum; sides of scrotum; eupho., stry., tarent.