Genitals; male; Ejaculation
View page in remedy finderGenitals; male; ejaculation; bloody; cann-s., 2canth., 2caust., led., 2merc., 2petr., sars., tarent.
Genitals; male; ejaculation; cold, during sexual intercourse; nat-m.
Genitals; male; ejaculation; Copious
Genitals; male; ejaculation; difficult; anan., carb-s., lach., 2zinc.
Genitals; male; ejaculation; failing, during sexual intercourse; agn., bar-c., bufo., 2calad., calc., carb-s., 2eug., 1graph., hydr., kali-c., kali-i., 2lyc., 2lyss., mill., nat-m., ph-ac., 2psor., zinc.
Genitals; male; ejaculation; failing, during sexual intercourse; though the orgasm is present; cann-i., graph.
Genitals; male; ejaculation; incomplete; 2agar., aloe., anan., bar-c., berb., carb-s., dig., 2form., lyss., plb., zinc.
Genitals; male; ejaculation; larger and continues longer; osm.
Genitals; male; ejaculation; too late; 2agar., bor., 1calc., eug., 2fl-ac., hydr., lach., lyc., 2lyss., merc-c., 2nat-m., petr., 2zinc.
Genitals; male; ejaculation; too late; the orgasm subsides several times before it leads to ejaculation; eug.
Genitals; male; ejaculation; too late; some time after the orgasm; calc.
Genitals; male; ejaculation; painful; 2agar., arg-n., 2berb., 2calc., 2canth., clem., 2con., 2kali-c., kali-i., 2kreos., merc., mosch., nat-ac., 2nit-ac., sars., 2sep., sul-ac., 1sulph., thuj.
Genitals; male; ejaculation; too soon, premature; aloe., bar-c., 2berb., bor., brom., bufo., 2calad., 2calc., carb-s., 2carb-v., 2con., eug., 2gels., 1graph., ind., 1lyc., 2nat-c., 2nat-m., onos., 2ph-ac., 2phos., pic-ac., 2plat., 2sel., 2sep., 2sulph., 1zinc.
Genitals; male; ejaculation; too soon; shortly after an erection; 2ph-ac., 2sulph.
Genitals; male; ejaculation; too soon; before entry into vagina; 2sulph.