Genitals; female; Swollen
View page in remedy finderGenitals; female; swollen; 2am-c., 2ambr., 2apis., arn., ars-i., 1ars., 2asaf., aur-m., aur-s., aur., bell., bry., calc-p., calc-s., 2calc., cann-s., 2canth., carb-an., 2carb-v., coc-c., 2coll., coloc., con., dig., 2ferr-i., goss., 2graph., 2helon., kali-bi., 1kreos., 2lac-c., lach., 2lil-t., meph., 2merc., 2nat-s., 1nit-ac., nux-v., 2phos., 2podo., 1puls., 1rhus-t., sec., 2sep., sulph., 2thuj., 2urt-u.
Genitals; female; swollen; before period; lyc., 2sep.
Genitals; female; swollen; during period; chin., graph., lyc., sep., staph., sulph., zinc.
Genitals; female; swollen; womb swollen, as if filled with wind; ph-ac.
Genitals; female; swollen; enlarged; Ovaries
Genitals; female; swollen; enlarged; womb; 2aesc., 2am-m., apis., 2aur-m., 2aur., 2bell., 2carb-an., 1con., 2hep., kali-br., 2kali-i., 2lach., lyss., 2nat-c., nux-v., 2phyt., plat., sabin., 1sep., 2ust.
Genitals; female; swollen; Sensation, as if ovaries enlarged
Genitals; female; swollen; like bruising; apis., 2graph., 2merc., 2nit-ac., 2phos., 2urt-u.
Genitals; female; swollen; during pregnancy; 2merc., 2podo.
Genitals; female; swollen; burning beneath skin; 2merc.
Genitals; female; swollen; inner lips of vagina; 2apis., chin-s., merc., nit-ac.
Genitals; female; swollen; between inner lips of vagina; eupi.
Genitals; female; swollen; Ovaries
Genitals; female; swollen; Womb
Genitals; female; swollen; vagina; 2agar., alumn., calc-p., cann-s., coc-c., 2cur., 2ferr-i., ferr., 2iod., 2kreos., merc., 1nit-ac., 2nux-v., puls.