Respiration; impeded, obstructed; With pain
View page in remedy finderRespiration; impeded, obstructed; with pain; in the chest; brom., 2bry., caps., colch., croc., merc., plb., ran-s., ruta., spong., sulph., valer., verb.
Respiration; impeded, obstructed; with pain; in diaphragm; ip., spig.
Respiration; impeded, obstructed; with pain; pains take away the breath; berb., 1bry., dios.
Respiration; impeded, obstructed; with pain; sudden, sharp pain in chest; aloe., arg-m., arn., berb., 2bry., chin-s., 2kreos., mez., rhod., stann., sul-ac., thuj., verb.
Respiration; impeded, obstructed; with pain; sudden, sharp pain in heart; 2cact., calc-p., 2calc., merc-i-f., 2naja., 2staph.