Cough; dry cough; Evening
View page in remedy finderCough; dry cough; evening; agn., aloe., alum., 2alumn., am-br., am-m., 2arg-n., 2ars., arund., bals., bar-c., 2bell., bor., bov., 1brom., bry., 2calc., 2caps., carb-an., carb-v., chin., cimic., coca., com., 2con., cop., dig., ferr-ar., 2ferr., 2grat., gymn., 1hep., 1ign., indg., kali-ar., kali-bi., 2kali-c., kreos., lach., lec., lith., 1lyc., mag-c., 2mag-m., mag-s., merc-i-r., merc., mez., nat-a., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nicc., nit-ac., 2nux-m., 2nux-v., petr., 2ph-ac., phel., 2phos., phyt., psor., 1puls., rheum., 2rhus-t., 2sang., 2seneg., 2sep., sol-t-ae., 2spong., 1squil., stann., 2stict., still., stront., 1sulph., tab., teucr., thuj., verat., zinc., zing.
Cough; dry cough; evening; on entering a warm room; nat-c., 2puls.
Cough; dry cough; evening; worse breathing in; dig.
Cough; dry cough; evening; loose in morning; acon., alum., 2ambr., ant-c., ant-t., bar-c., 2bry., 1calc., 2carb-v., cupr., dros., eupho., 2ferr., 1hep., 2hyos., ip., kali-c., lach., led., lyc., mag-c., mag-m., mez., mur-ac., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., 2ph-ac., 2phos., 2puls., rhus-t., seneg., 2sep., 2sil., spong., 1squil., stann., stram., 2sul-ac., sulph., zinc.
Cough; dry cough; evening; lying down; 2alumn., 2bell., bor., 2caps., carb-v., ferr., indg., 1kali-c., nat-m., nicc., 2nux-v., 1ph-ac., 1puls., 1sang., 1sep., 2stict., 1sulph., teucr.
Cough; dry cough; evening; better lying down; am-m., zinc.
Cough; dry cough; evening; until midnight; 2hep., 2phos., 2rhus-t., sep., stann.
Cough; dry cough; evening; and night, can neither sleep nor lie down; stict.
Cough; dry cough; evening; on going to sleep; 2hep., 2sulph.
Cough; dry cough; evening; from smoking; thuj.
Cough; dry cough; evening; 6 p.m.; am-m., 2con., 2nat-m.
Cough; dry cough; evening; 7 p.m.; grat., spira.