Cough; While lying down
View page in remedy finderCough; while lying down; acon., aeth., agar., all-c., am-br., am-m., 2ambr., ant-t., 1apis., aral., arg-n., 2arn., 2ars., bar-c., bell., bor., 2bry., calc-s., calc., caps., carb-an., carb-s., 2carb-v., 1caust., cham., cinnb., 2coc-c., cocc., colch., 1con., corn., 2crot-t., dol., 2dros., 2dulc., eupi., ferr-ar., ferr-p., hep., 1hyos., ign., 2iod., ip., kali-br., 2kali-c., kali-p., 2kali-s., 1kreos., lac-c., 2lach., lact., 2laur., lith., 2lyc., mag-c., mag-m., mag-p., mag-s., med., 2meph., merc., 2mez., nat-c., nat-m., nat-s., nicc., nit-ac., nux-v., ol-j., par., petr., ph-ac., 2phos., phyt., plan., psor., 1puls., pyrog., 2rhus-t., 1rumx., ruta., 2sabad., 1sang., sanic., 2seneg., 2sep., 2sil., 2spong., stann., staph., stict., 2sulph., tarent., ter., teucr., thuj., verb., vesp., vib., zinc.
Cough; while lying down; afternoon; calc-p., laur.
Cough; while lying down; afternoon; 2 p.m.; laur.
Cough; while lying down; afternoon; 3 p.m.; calc-p.
Cough; while lying down; evening; alum., 1ars., 2bell., bor., bry., carb-an., carb-s., 1con., 1dros., graph., ign., kali-ar., 1kali-c., lach., lact., mez., nat-m., nicc., nux-v., petr., 2ph-ac., 2psor., 1puls., rumx., 1sang., 2seneg., 1sep., 2sil., staph., stict., 2sulph., teucr., thuj.
Cough; while lying down; evening; must sit up; 1ars., 1con., 1puls., 1sang., 1sep.
Cough; while lying down; Night
Cough; while lying down; unable to lie down; iod.
Cough; while lying down; on back; agar., 2am-m., 2ars., crot-t., eup-per., iod., kali-bi., 2nat-m., nat-s., 2nux-v., 2phos., plb., rhod., rhus-t., 2sep., sil., spong.
Cough; while lying down; worse bed; agn., 2alumn., am-c., am-m., anac., ant-t., aral., arg-n., 2ars., bry., cact., calc., 2caps., cham., coc-c., coca., coff., 1con., 2crot-t., dol., 2dros., euphr., ferr-ar., ferr-p., hep., 2hyos., ign., indg., iod., ip., 2kali-c., kali-n., kali-s., kreos., lach., lachn., lact., lyc., mag-c., mag-m., mag-s., meph., mez., nat-c., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., 1phos., psor., 2puls., 2rhus-t., sabad., samb., sang., 2sep., 2sil., squil., 2still., 1sulph., verb.
Cough; while lying down; worse bed; must sit up, or sleep in chair from sense of suffocation; crot-t.
Cough; while lying down; changing position; ars., con., 1kreos.
Cough; while lying down; on face, great rattling of mucus, which appears to be low down in chest, while cough does not seem to reach there, only to throat-pit, consequently hard cough does not reach phlegm unless lies on face, when he brings up a greenish-yellow or a pale greenish-yellow mucus, like jelly, without taste; 2med.
Cough; while lying down; on first lying down; arg-n., 2ars., caps., con., 2dros., hyos., laur., phyt., puls., sabad., sang.
Cough; while lying down; with head low; am-m., 2bry., carb-v., 1chin., hyos., puls., rumx., samb., sang., spong.
Cough; while lying down; worse long in one position; con., ph-ac.
Cough; while lying down; only on lying; 2caust.
Cough; while lying down; only when lying down; was obliged to sit up and cough it out, then had rest; 1con.
Cough; while lying down; on either side; 2acon., bar-c., bry., carb-an., erig., kali-c., kreos., lyc., merc., phos., puls., seneg., sep., 2spong., 2stann., sulph.
Cough; while lying down; on right side; alum., am-m., 2carb-an., 2cina., ip., kali-c., lyc., 1merc., phos., plb., sil., 2spong., 1stann., syph., tub.
Cough; while lying down; on right side; at night; 2carb-an.
Cough; while lying down; on left side; am-c., apis., arg-n., ars., 2bar-c., bry., chin., eup-per., ip., kali-bi., lyc., merc., par., 2phos., puls., rhus-t., 2rumx., 2seneg., 2sep., 2sulph., 2thuj.
Cough; while lying down; must sit up; 2agar., 2ant-t., aral., 2ars., 2bry., caust., chin-s., 2coc-c., colch., 1con., crot-t., eupi., ferr-ar., 2ferr., gamb., hep., 2iod., 2kali-bi., kreos., lach., mag-m., mag-s., nat-s., nicc., 1phos., plan., 1puls., 2sang., 2seneg., 2sep., staph.
Cough; while lying down; must sit up; as soon as cough commences; ars., 2bry., caust., 2coc-c., colch., 1con., hep., lach., plan.
Cough; while lying down; must sit up; and cough it out, when had rest; 1con.
Cough; while lying down; before sleep; 2coc-c., lyc., merc., 1sulph.
Cough; while lying down; during sleep; 2acon., 2agar., 2apis., 2arn., ars., arum-t., 2bell., calc., carb-an., 1cham., coff., 2cycl., hipp., hyos., kreos., 1lach., lyc., lycps., mag-s., merc., murx., nit-ac., 2petr., phos., rhod., 2rhus-t., samb., sang., sep., sil., stram., 2sulph., tub., verb.
Cough; while lying down; cough starts in sleep; apis., cina., hep.
Cough; while lying down; after sleep; 2apis., 2aral., 2caust., 2kali-bi., 1lach., lachn., nit-ac., puls., 2sep., sulph.
Cough; while lying down; disturbs sleep; 2agar., alum., calad., mez., nux-v., ol-j., phos., rhod., rhus-t., sang., spong., squil., stict., 1sulph., syph., zinc.
Cough; while lying down; disturbs sleep; preventing sleep; apis., calad., carb-v., daph., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-cy., laur., 1lyc., phos., 1puls., 2rhus-t., sang., 1sep., stict., zinc.
Cough; while lying down; disturbs sleep; woken by cough; acon., 2agar., alum., 2apis., 2aral., arn., 2ars., bell., calc., carb-s., 1caust., cham., 2coc-c., cocc., coff., con., daph., dros., graph., hep., hipp., 2hyos., kali-c., kali-n., 2lach., mag-m., med., merc., nit-ac., op., 2petr., 1phos., rhod., 2rhus-t., 2sang., 2sep., 2sil., sol-t-ae., squil., stront., 1sulph., verb., zinc., zing.
Cough; while lying down; falls asleep during dry cough; mag-s.
Cough; while lying down; on going to sleep; 2agar., agn., arn., brom., 2carb-v., 2con., guare., 2hep., ign., 2kali-c., 1lach., 1lyc., med., merc., nit-ac., 2phos., sep., 1sulph.
Cough; while lying down; on going to sleep; when lying on side; 2arg-n., kali-c., 2lyc., 2psor., 2spong.
Cough; while lying down; one hour after going to sleep; aral., arn., calc.
Cough; while lying down; worse on painful side; acon.
Cough; while lying down; lying on back better than either side, though worse lying on left side; 2phos.
Cough; while lying down; better turning from left to right side; ars., kali-c., 2phos., 2rumx., 2sep., 2thuj.
Cough; while lying down; worse turning in bed; kreos.
Cough; while lying down; worse turning on to side; am-m.
Cough; while lying down; better changing position; bor., ign.
Cough; while lying down; better daytime; 2dros., nit-ac., sep.
Cough; while lying down; better evening; am-m.
Cough; while lying down; better noon; 1mang.
Cough; while lying down; better lying on back; 2acon., bry., 2lyc., 2mang.
Cough; while lying down; better lying on front; aloe., alum., am-c., bar-c., calc., caust., eup-per., 2med., phos., podo., rhus-t., syph.
Cough; while lying down; better lying with head raised; 2carb-v., 1chin., rumx., sep.
Cough; while lying down; better lying on hands and knees; eup-per.