Cough; comes on suddenly; Night
View page in remedy finderCough; comes on suddenly; night; 2agar., anac., anan., ant-t., apis., aral., arg-n., aur-m., aur-s., aur., 1bell., bry., calc-f., calc., 1carb-v., 2chel., chin., 2coc-c., 2con., cor-r., 2dros., ferr., 2hep., 1hyos., ign., 2ip., kali-br., kali-c., 2lach., lyc., 2mag-c., mag-m., 2meph., merc-c., 2merc., naja., 2op., 2phos., 2puls., 1rumx., sang., sil., 2spong., squil., sulph., tarent., thuj., vinc.
Cough; comes on suddenly; night; before going to bed; 2coc-c.
Cough; comes on suddenly; night; when becoming warm, in bed; 2coc-c., naja.
Cough; comes on suddenly; night; every other night, on falling asleep; merc.
Cough; comes on suddenly; night; midnight; 2cham., dig., mosch., naja., phos., 2sulph.
Cough; comes on suddenly; night; Before midnight
Cough; comes on suddenly; night; after midnight; bell., 2cocc., dig., 1dros., hyos., kali-c., squil.
Cough; comes on suddenly; night; after midnight; 2 a.m.; 1dros.
Cough; comes on suddenly; night; after midnight; 2 and 3-30 a.m.; coc-c.