Cough; Short
View page in remedy finderCough; short; 1acon., 2aesc., aeth., agar., 2alum., am-c., anac., ang., ant-c., ant-t., 2apoc., arg-m., arg-n., arn., 2ars., asar., aur-m., aur., 2bell., berb., brom., 2bry., cadm., calc-s., 2calc., camph., canth., carb-ac., carb-o., carb-s., carb-v., card-m., casc., 2caust., 2chel., chin-a., chin-s., 2chin., cimic., cina., cinnb., cob., coc-c., cocc., 2cod., 1coff., colch., coloc., con., cop., croc., cupr., cur., dig., dros., dulc., eup-per., eupho., eupi., 2ferr-i., ferr-p., fl-ac., 2graph., hep., hydr-ac., hyos., hyper., 1ign., iod., ip., iris., jatr., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-chl., kali-i., kali-ma., kali-n., 2kali-p., kreos., lac-d., 2lach., lachn., lact., laur., led., lob., 2lyc., mag-c., 2merc., 2mez., mur-ac., naja., nat-a., nat-c., 2nat-m., nat-p., 2nit-ac., 2nux-v., oena., olnd., osm., paull., 2petr., 2phos., pin-s., 2plat., 2plb., podo., puls., 1rhus-t., rumx., sabad., seneg., 1sep., sin-n., spig., 2spong., 2squil., 1stann., stict., 2still., stront., 2sul-ac., sulph., tab., 2tell., tep., teucr., 2thuj., verat-v., viol-o., zinc., zing., ziz.o
Cough; short; daytime; arg-m., kali-bi., nat-c., phos.
Cough; short; daytime; and night; mez.
Cough; short; Morning
Cough; short; late morning; agar., alum., coc-c., rhus-t.
Cough; short; late morning; 11 a.m.; rhus-t.
Cough; short; afternoon; anac., chin-s., laur., nat-m.
Cough; short; afternoon; 2 p.m.; laur.
Cough; short; afternoon; 5 p.m.; nat-m.
Cough; short; Evening
Cough; short; night; arg-n., bell., 2calc., mez., rhus-t.
Cough; short; night; in bed; arg-n., 2calc.
Cough; short; before midnight; 2rhus-t.
Cough; short; before midnight; woken by cough; 2rhus-t.
Cough; short; before midnight; 11 p.m.; rhus-t.
Cough; short; after midnight; acon., 2ars.
Cough; short; worse open air; ang., seneg., spig.
Cough; short; with deep breathing; 2aesc.
Cough; short; alternating with deep cough; apoc.
Cough; short; after dinner; agar.
Cough; short; after eating; anac., caust., ter.
Cough; short; frequent; fl-ac.
Cough; short; worse breathing in; nat-a.
Cough; short; from irritation in larynx; am-c., seneg., spong.
Cough; short; when lying down, after eating; caust., ter.
Cough; short; when moving; carb-o.
Cough; short; after siesta; rhus-t.
Cough; short; better sitting up; 2arg-n., cinnb., nat-c.
Cough; short; when smoking; coca., thuj.
Cough; short; from swallowing; 2aesc.
Cough; short; while talking; ant-t.
Cough; short; from tickling in larynx; 2acon., agar., 2ang., cimic., graph., iris., kali-bi., laur., led., mez., 2spong.
Cough; short; when walking fast; seneg.
Cough; short; when walking fast; in open air; ang.