Cough; In children
View page in remedy finderCough; in children; child springs up, and clings to those around; calls for help in a hoarse voice, bends backward and grasps at larynx; 2ant-t.
Cough; in children; croupy; unnaturally deep sleep, with snoring and wheezing, with open mouth and head thrown back; the child starts up, kicks about, is on point of suffocating, turns black and blue in face, after which, cough with rattling breathing sets in again, suffocation and paralysis, of lungs appear unavoidable; samb.
Cough; in children; Dry cough
Cough; in children; while teething; calc-p., calc., 2cham., cina., hyos., kreos., podo., rhus-t.
Cough; in children; child coughs at sight of strangers; ambr., 2ars., bar-c., phos.
Cough; in children; children with bronchial catarrh, fear to cough and try to avoid it as long as possible; phos.
Cough; in children; child must be lifted, gets blue in face, cannot exhale; meph.
Cough; in children; suffocating, child becomes stiff and blue in face; 2cupr., 1ip.
Cough; in children; from exposure to snowfall; sep.