Cough; Violent
View page in remedy finderCough; violent; 1agar., alum., am-m., ambr., anac., anan., ang., ant-t., apis., arg-n., ars., 1bell., 2bor., brom., bry., bufo., 2calc., camph., carb-an., 1carb-v., 1caust., 2cham., 2chel., chin., 2cimx., 2cina., clem., 1coc-c., 1con., cop., cor-r., croc., 1cupr., 2cycl., 1dros., elaps., 2eup-per., 2euphr., 2form., gamb., gels., guare., 1hep., hydr-ac., 1hyos., 1ign., indg., 1ip., kali-bi., 1kali-c., kali-chl., 2kreos., 1lach., lact., led., lith., 2lob., lycps., 2mag-c., mag-p., manc., 2meph., 2merc., 1mez., mur-ac., 2nat-a., 2nat-c., nat-p., nicc., nit-ac., 2nux-v., ol-j., olnd., 2op., par., petr., 1ph-ac., 1phos., plat., 1puls., 2rhus-t., rumx., ruta., sabad., sang., seneg., 1sep., 2sil., spig., 2spong., 1squil., 1stann., staph., stict., stront., sulph., ther., verat., viol-o., 2zinc.
Cough; violent; daytime; 2agar., 2euphr.
Cough; violent; Morning
Cough; violent; noon; bell.
Cough; violent; afternoon; mur-ac., 2nat-c.
Cough; violent; evening; alum., anac., 2calc., con., indg., 2kali-c., 2mez., 2nat-c., verat.
Cough; violent; evening; after lying down; 2kali-c., 2mez., 1sep.
Cough; violent; night; arg-n., 2con., cupr., 2cycl., 2hep., 2merc., nicc., petr.
Cough; violent; night; 3 a.m.; 1kali-c., mur-ac.
Cough; violent; after dinner; anac., mur-ac.
Cough; violent; laughing; mur-ac.
Cough; violent; while sitting or lying, not during movement; phos.
Cough; violent; better movement; phos.
Cough; violent; in sleep; apis., cham., 2cycl., 2sulph.
Cough; violent; spasmodic jerking of head forward and knees upward; ther.
Cough; violent; from talking; mur-ac.
Cough; violent; uninterrupted until relieved by vomiting; 2mez.
Cough; violent; on waking; 2agar., calc., carb-v., rhus-t.
Cough; violent; on yawning; mur-ac.