Chest; Constriction, tension
View page in remedy finderChest; constriction, tension; 1acon., 2aesc., 2agar., ail., 2all-c., 2alum., alumn., am-c., am-m., ambr., anac., 2ang., 2ant-t., apis., aral., 2arg-n., 2arn., 2ars-h., 2ars-i., 1ars., 2asaf., asar., asc-t., aspar., 2aur-m., 1aur., 2bapt., 2bar-c., 1bell., bism-ox., 2bor., bov., 1brom., 1bry., bufo., 1cact., 2cadm., cahin., 2calc-p., calc-s., 1calc., 2camph., cann-i., cann-s., canth., 2caps., 2carb-ac., 2carb-an., 2carb-o., 1carb-s., 1carb-v., carl., 1caust., 2cham., 1chel., chin-a., chin., chlol., 2chlor., 2cic., 2cimx., cina., cinnb., clem., 2coc-c., 2cocc., coff., 2colch., 2coloc., 1con., cop., 2crot-c., crot-h., 2crot-t., cupr-s., 2cupr., cycl., 2dig., dios., 2dros., 2dulc., elaps., 2eupho., ferr-ar., ferr-i., ferr-p., 2ferr., gamb., 2gels., gins., 2glon., 1graph., 2hell., 2hep., hydr-ac., 2hyos., 2hyper., 1ign., 2iod., 2ip., iris., jatr., 2kali-ar., 2kali-bi., 2kali-c., 2kali-chl., kali-i., 2kali-n., kali-p., kali-s., kreos., 1lach., 2lact., 2laur., lec., 2led., lith., 1lob., 1lyc., 2lycps., 2mag-c., 2mag-m., 2mag-p., 2manc., mang., 2merc-c., merc-i-r., 2merc., 2mez., morph., mosch., mur-ac., 2naja., 2nat-a., 2nat-c., 1nat-m., nat-p., 2nit-ac., 2nux-m., 2nux-v., olnd., 2op., osm., ox-ac., petr., ph-ac., 1phos., phys., pic-ac., 2plat., plb., podo., poth., psor., 2puls., rat., 2rhod., 2rhus-t., ruta., sabin., samb., 2sars., 1seneg., 2sep., 1sil., 2spig., 2spong., squil., 1stann., 2staph., 2stram., stront., stry., sul-ac., sul-i., 1sulph., sumb., 2tab., tarent., ter., thea., thuj., upa., 1verat., verb., xan., zinc.?atGat2
Chest; constriction, tension; daytime; mez., phos.
Chest; constriction, tension; morning; 2arg-n., calc., carb-v., cycl., lyc., nat-m., phos., 2puls., sars., sep.
Chest; constriction, tension; morning; fasting; sulph.
Chest; constriction, tension; morning; on waking; sep.
Chest; constriction, tension; noon; agar.
Chest; constriction, tension; afternoon; bapt., eupi., lac-c., mag-c., nat-m., petr., sulph.
Chest; constriction, tension; evening; 2ars., 2bry., calc-p., carb-s., carb-v., hyper., 2puls., raph., rhus-t., 2stann., sulph., verb., 2zinc.
Chest; constriction, tension; evening; in bed; 2ars., bell., berb.
Chest; constriction, tension; night; alum., aral., 2bry., coloc., 2ferr., kali-n., 2lach., 2mez., myric., 2puls., seneg., sep., sil., stram., 2tab.
Chest; constriction, tension; night; in bed; 2ferr., 2nux-v.
Chest; constriction, tension; alternating with sudden expansion; sars.
Chest; constriction, tension; alternating with pain in abdomen; 2calc.
Chest; constriction, tension; from anger; 2cupr.
Chest; constriction, tension; as if from armour; 1cact., 2crot-c.
Chest; constriction, tension; from bringing arms together in front; 2sulph.
Chest; constriction, tension; when ascending stairs or hill; ang., 1ars., 1calc., led., 2mag-c., nux-v.
Chest; constriction, tension; asthmatic; ang., coff., 2led., mez., naja., nux-v., sulph.
Chest; constriction, tension; as from a band around chest; 1acon., 2aml-n., 2arg-n., 2ars., bry., 1cact., chlor., led., 2lob., 2lyc., op., 1phos., pic-ac., sil.
Chest; constriction, tension; as from a band around chest; lower part of chest; agar., chlor., thuj.
Chest; constriction, tension; bending backwards; nit-ac.
Chest; constriction, tension; better bending backwards; caust.
Chest; constriction, tension; bending forwards; dig.
Chest; constriction, tension; after breakfast; agar., sulph.
Chest; constriction, tension; during chill; 2ars., 2cimx., 2kali-c., 1nux-v., 2phos.
Chest; constriction, tension; as from coat of chain mail; chel.
Chest; constriction, tension; after sexual intercourse; staph.
Chest; constriction, tension; from cold air; bry., 2phos., sabad.
Chest; constriction, tension; from becoming cold; mosch., 2phos.
Chest; constriction, tension; from cold bathing; nux-m.
Chest; constriction, tension; convulsive; 1asaf., 1bell., 1cupr.
Chest; constriction, tension; during cough; whooping cough
This symptom is not self-limiting and so remedies are shown only to professional members.Chest; constriction, tension; during cough; calc., 2cham., cimx., 2con., 2cupr., 2form., 2hell., lyc., 2mag-p., merc., 2myrt., 1phos., 2puls., stram., 2sulph.
Chest; constriction, tension; during cough; spasmodic cough; 2mosch.
Chest; constriction, tension; inclination to cough from constriction feeling; 2sep.
Chest; constriction, tension; worse covering of bed; 2ferr.
Chest; constriction, tension; after dinner; carb-s., hep., phel.
Chest; constriction, tension; better pulling shoulders back; 1calc.
Chest; constriction, tension; after drinking; 2cupr.
Chest; constriction, tension; after eating; arn., carb-an., cupr., hep., phel., 2puls.
Chest; constriction, tension; better eating; sulph.
Chest; constriction, tension; from exertion; 2ars., 2calc., ferr., 2nat-m., nux-v., 2spong., 2verat.
Chest; constriction, tension; better expectoration; 2calc., 2manc.
Chest; constriction, tension; when exhaling; bor., 2caust., chel., 2kali-c.
Chest; constriction, tension; when falling asleep; bry., 2graph., 2lach.
Chest; constriction, tension; from flatulence; 1nux-v., 2rheum., sil.
Chest; constriction, tension; fluid in chest cavity; 2apis., apoc., colch., lact., merc., psor., 2spig., stann.
Chest; constriction, tension; when breathing in; agar., aspar., cham., chel., con., dros., mez., raph., sabad., seneg., 2sulph.
Chest; constriction, tension; better lying down; 2calc-p.
Chest; constriction, tension; while lying; aral., lach., nat-m., nux-v.
Chest; constriction, tension; worse lying on right; 2lycps.
Chest; constriction, tension; worse lying on left; myric.
Chest; constriction, tension; worse lying quietly; caps.
Chest; constriction, tension; from manual labour; 2calc.
Chest; constriction, tension; before period; phos.
Chest; constriction, tension; during period; sep.
Chest; constriction, tension; worse movement; agar., ang., 2ars., 2ferr., 2led., lyc., nux-v., 2spong., 2verat.
Chest; constriction, tension; better movement; 2seneg.
Chest; constriction, tension; painful; 2sulph., 2verat.
Chest; constriction, tension; better perspiration; sulph.
Chest; constriction, tension; while breathing deep; agar., aspar., 2caust., cham., 2cic., 2coc-c., dulc., euon., 2ferr., ham., kali-bi., kali-n., lact., lyc., mag-m., mosch., nat-c., nux-v., 2puls., sang., seneg., stry., 2sulph., tab., tarax., thuj.
Chest; constriction, tension; better while breathing deep; sulph.
Chest; constriction, tension; while sitting; agar., ars., mez., nit-ac.
Chest; constriction, tension; while sitting; bent; alum.
Chest; constriction, tension; better while sitting; nux-v.
Chest; constriction, tension; better while sitting; better bent; lach.
Chest; constriction, tension; spasmodic; am-c., 1asaf., 2aur., calc., carb-s., carb-v., 2caust., 2cupr., glon., 2hep., 1ign., ip., 2kali-c., kali-p., lact., led., nat-m., 2op., 2phos., sars., sec., 2sep., 2spong., 2sulph., verat.
Chest; constriction, tension; while standing; verat.
Chest; constriction, tension; better while standing; mez.
Chest; constriction, tension; during stool; coloc.
Chest; constriction, tension; stooping; alum., laur., merc., mez., seneg.
Chest; constriction, tension; when straightening up; sars.
Chest; constriction, tension; better straightening up; mez.
Chest; constriction, tension; stretching; nat-m.
Chest; constriction, tension; as from sulphur; kali-chl.
Chest; constriction, tension; worse after supper; mez.
Chest; constriction, tension; after suppressed foot-sweat; 1sil.
Chest; constriction, tension; swallowing; 2kali-c.
Chest; constriction, tension; after talking; 2hep.
Chest; constriction, tension; preventing talking; 2cact.
Chest; constriction, tension; worse touch; arn., cupr.
Chest; constriction, tension; tension; arm pit; aur.
Chest; constriction, tension; tension; collar bones; 2lyc., 2zinc.
Chest; constriction, tension; tension; collar bones; 2zinc.
Chest; constriction, tension; tension; collar bones; 2lyc.
Chest; constriction, tension; tension; lower ribs; sulph.
Chest; constriction, tension; before vomiting; 2cupr.
Chest; constriction, tension; after vomiting; verat-v.
Chest; constriction, tension; on waking; alum., dig., 2graph., 1lach., 2lact., seneg., sep.
Chest; constriction, tension; after waking; dig., psor.
Chest; constriction, tension; while walking; am-c., 2anac., ang., 1ars., 2dig., ferr., 2jug-c., 2kali-c., led., 2lyc., nux-v., puls., sulph., 2verat.
Chest; constriction, tension; while walking; walking rapidly; 2puls.
Chest; constriction, tension; while walking; walking in open air; am-c., 2calc., lith.
Chest; constriction, tension; better walking; ferr.
Chest; constriction, tension; better walking; better in open air; alum., chel., dros., 2puls.
Chest; constriction, tension; better warmth of bed; phos.
Chest; constriction, tension; better weeping; anac.
Chest; constriction, tension; lower part; aesc., agar., am-m., bry., 1cact., chlor., 2dros., 2gels., 2ham., lact., lil-t., lycps., 2nux-v., 2puls., 2ran-b., 2spig., 2sulph., thuj.
Chest; constriction, tension; lower part; worse lying on the right side; lycps.
Chest; constriction, tension; lungs, as with a wire; asar.
Chest; constriction, tension; breast, sensation; lil-t., sang., stram., verat.
Chest; constriction, tension; breast, sensation; left, when child suckles from right; 2bor.
Chest; constriction, tension; breast, sensation; on breathing in deeply; sang.
Chest; constriction, tension; middle; lob., ol-an.
Chest; constriction, tension; middle; evening, 6 p.m.; mag-c.
Chest; constriction, tension; middle; as from a string; led.
Chest; constriction, tension; Sides
Chest; constriction, tension; Breast bone
Chest; constriction, tension; upper part of chest; cham., phos., rhus-t.
Chest; constriction, tension; Heart