Chest; Sensation of emptiness
View page in remedy finderChest; sensation of emptiness; all-s., aspar., bov., 2calad., chin., chr-ac., 2cocc., crot-t., ferr-ma., graph., 2guare., 2ign., 2kali-c., nat-p., nat-s., olnd., phyt., plat., rhus-t., sars., 2sep., 1stann., sulph., vinc., zinc.
Chest; sensation of emptiness; night; 2sep.
Chest; sensation of emptiness; during cough; 2sep., 2stann., sulph.
Chest; sensation of emptiness; after cough; ill., kali-c., nat-s., sep., stann., zinc.
Chest; sensation of emptiness; after eating; nat-p.
Chest; sensation of emptiness; after expectoration; calad., 2stann., 2zinc.
Chest; sensation of emptiness; feeling faint; sulph.
Chest; sensation of emptiness; on beginning to sing; 2stann.
Chest; sensation of emptiness; in breast, after child feeds from it; 2bor.
Chest; sensation of emptiness; behind breast bone; zinc.
Chest; sensation of emptiness; heart; cocc., med., sulph.
Chest; sensation of emptiness; around heart; con., graph., naja., sulph.