Chest; inflammation; Lungs
View page in remedy finderChest; inflammation; lungs; 1acon., aesc., 2agar., 2all-c., am-c., 2ant-c., 1ant-t., 2apis., 2arg-n., 2arn., 2ars-i., 1ars., aur-m., 2bad., bar-c., 2bell., 2benz-ac., 2brom., 1bry., 2cact., 2calc., camph., 2cann-s., canth., caps., 2carb-an., 2carb-s., 1carb-v., 1chel., 2chin., 2chlor., 2con., cop., corn., crot-h., 2cupr., 2dig., dulc., 2elaps., 2ferr-ar., 2ferr-i., 1ferr-p., 2ferr., 2gels., 1hep., 2hippoz., 2hyos., 2iod., 2ip., kali-ar., 2kali-bi., 2kali-br., 2kali-c., 2kali-chl., 2kali-i., 2kali-n., 2kali-p., 2kali-s., 2kreos., 2lach., 1lachn., 2laur., 1lob., 1lyc., lycps., 1merc., 2mill., myrt., 2nat-m., 2nat-s., 2nit-ac., nux-v., op., 2ph-ac., 1phos., 2psor., 1puls., ran-b., 1rhus-t., rumx., 2sabad., 2sang., 1seneg., 1sep., 2sil., spig., spong., 2squil., 2stram., 1sulph., 2ter., 1verat-v., 2verat.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; right; 2bell., 2brom., 1bry., 2carb-an., 2chel., elaps., 2kali-c., kali-i., 2lyc., 2merc., 2phos., 2sang., squil., stram.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; right; lower lobe; 2kali-c., 2merc., 2phos.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; right; upper lobe; 1calc., 2chel.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; left; 2acon., 2calc., 2lach., 2nat-s., 2ox-ac., phos., 2sang., sulph.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; left; lower lobe; 2chel., 2nat-s., sulph.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; left; upper; 2acon.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; after poisoning by aconite; 2bry., sulph.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; aged persons; 2bry., 2dig., 2ferr., 2hyos., 2nat-s., 2nit-ac., 2nux-v., 2op., 2seneg.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; alcoholics; 2hyos., 2kali-br., 2nux-v., 2op.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; after haemorrhages; 2chin., 2ph-ac.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; infants; 2acon., 2ant-t., 2bry., 2ferr-p., 1ip., 2kali-c., 2lob., 2lyc., 2merc., 2nux-v., op., 2phos.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; must lie on the back; acon., 2cact., sulph.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; lying on back, with head thrown back; phos.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; better lying on back; acon., phos., sulph.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; worse lying on right side; 2kali-c.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; after measles; 2kali-c.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; when period is suppressed; 1puls.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; neglected; lob., 1lyc., 2phos., 2sang., 2sep., 1sil., 1sulph.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; pleura-pneumonia; 1ant-t., 2asaf., 1bry., 2calc., 2camph., 2caps., 2chin., 2dulc., 2ferr., 2hep., 2iod., 2kali-i., 2lach., 1phos., 2rhus-t., 2seneg., 2sulph.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; pneumonia, worse by damp weather and sea air; 1nat-s.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; typhoid; 1ant-t., 2bad., 2benz-ac., 1bry., 2hyos., 2laur., 1lyc., 2nit-ac., 1phos., 2rhus-t., 2sang., 1sulph., 2ter.
Chest; inflammation; lungs; weakness, from dehydration; 2chin.