Chest; pain; Breast
View page in remedy finderChest; pain; breast; ambr., apis., aster., 1bell., 2bor., 2bry., 2bufo., cact., calad., calc-p., 2calc., 2canth., 2carb-an., carb-v., 2cham., chin-a., cimic., clem., 2coloc., 1con., cycl., 2dulc., eupi., hydr., ind., kali-bi., kreos., 2lac-c., lil-t., lyc., med., 1merc., mosch., murx., nit-ac., 2ph-ac., 2phel., 2phos., 2phyt., plb., psor., rheum., 2rhus-t., 1sil., stann., stram., 2sulph., sumb., verat., zinc.
Chest; pain; breast; right; 2ign., 1phel., sang., zinc.
Chest; pain; breast; left; chin-a., 2lach., 2lil-t., mosch., ph-ac., sil.
Chest; pain; breast; left; during cough; 2con.
Chest; pain; breast; morning; 2lil-t.
Chest; pain; breast; afternoon; sang.
Chest; pain; breast; evening; 2con., 2lac-c.
Chest; pain; breast; after chill; ign.
Chest; pain; breast; during cough; con.
Chest; pain; breast; on descending; bell., calc., carb-an., 2hep., 2lac-c., lyc., nit-ac., phos.
Chest; pain; breast; as soon as breast is empty; 2bor.
Chest; pain; breast; while lying down; bell.
Chest; pain; breast; before period; 1calc., 1con., kali-c., 2lac-c., nux-v., sang., spong.
Chest; pain; breast; during period; calc., 2con., 2merc., 2phel., 2phos., 2phyt., sang.
Chest; pain; breast; during suppressed period; zinc.
Chest; pain; breast; while child breast feeds; 2crot-t., 2puls., 1sil.
Chest; pain; breast; while child breast feeds; wandering pains; 2puls.
Chest; pain; breast; while child breast feeds; in lactiferous tubes; 2phel.
Chest; pain; breast; during pregnancy; 2sep.
Chest; pain; breast; worse pressure; plb.
Chest; pain; breast; when raising arm; bry.
Chest; pain; breast; at every step; 2con.
Chest; pain; breast; wandering; 2puls.
Chest; pain; breast; extending to back; 2phel., plb.
Chest; pain; breast; Nipples
Chest; pain; breast; Under breast
Chest; pain; breast; Region of breast