Chest; pain; cutting; Breast
View page in remedy finderChest; pain; cutting; breast; am-c., aster., bell., bufo., calc-p., calc., cham., chin-s., 2colch., hura., 2iod., lach., lil-t., olnd., phyt., sabin.
Chest; pain; cutting; breast; left; com., 2lach., 2lil-t.
Chest; pain; cutting; breast; left; extending to shoulder blade; lil-t.
Chest; pain; cutting; breast; lying on left side; lil-t.
Chest; pain; cutting; breast; while breast feeding; 1sil.
Chest; pain; cutting; breast; while breast feeding; extending to back; colch.
Chest; pain; cutting; breast; under breast; rob.
Chest; pain; cutting; breast; right breast; 2chel., kali-p.
Chest; pain; cutting; breast; left breast; bry.
Chest; pain; cutting; breast; from nipple to shoulder blade; male; tell.
Chest; pain; cutting; breast; from nipple to shoulder blade; after period; thuj.