Chest; Weakness
View page in remedy finderChest; weakness; acon., ail., aloe., alum., am-c., am-m., ammc., 1ant-t., 1arg-m., 2arg-n., 2ars-i., 2ars., asc-t., bapt., 2benz-ac., bor., brom., cadm., calc-s., 2calc., canth., 2carb-s., 1carb-v., carl., chin-a., coc-c., con., cycl., 2dig., 2hep., iod., kali-ar., 2kali-c., kali-i., kali-p., kali-s., lact., manc., mang., nat-s., nit-ac., ol-j., olnd., 2ph-ac., 2phos., 2plat., 2psor., 1ran-s., raph., rhus-t., ruta., 1seneg., 2sil., 2spong., 1stann., 2staph., 2sul-ac., 2sulph., thuj., til.
Chest; weakness; morning on waking; 1carb-v., dig.
Chest; weakness; morning on waking; lasting until 3 p.m.; merc-i-r.
Chest; weakness; evening; ran-s.
Chest; weakness; evening; while lying; 2sulph.
Chest; weakness; better bending forward; nux-v.
Chest; weakness; from cough; graph., 2nit-ac., 2ph-ac., 2psor., ruta., sep., 1stann.
Chest; weakness; from cough; before period; graph.
Chest; weakness; making coughing difficult; 2stann.
Chest; weakness; while eating; carb-an.
Chest; weakness; after exertion; aloe., 1spong.
Chest; weakness; after expectoration; 1stann.
Chest; weakness; better lying down; alum.
Chest; weakness; when lying on side; 2sulph.
Chest; weakness; worse when reading; sulph.
Chest; weakness; worse when reading; worse aloud; cocc., 2sulph.
Chest; weakness; with deep breathing; carb-v., 2plat.
Chest; weakness; when singing; carb-v., sulph.
Chest; weakness; when singing; on beginning to sing; 1stann.
Chest; weakness; worse sitting long; dig., 2ph-ac.
Chest; weakness; impeding speech; 2calc., dig., 2hep., ph-ac., rhus-t., 2stann., sul-ac., 2sulph.
Chest; weakness; when talking; 2calc., 2ph-ac., rhus-t., 1stann., sul-ac., 2sulph.
Chest; weakness; when talking; loud; calc., gels., 2laur., 1sulph.
Chest; weakness; on waking; 1carb-v.
Chest; weakness; when walking; 2lyss., 2rhus-t.
Chest; weakness; when walking; in open air; 2rhus-t.
Chest; weakness; when walking; quickly; 2kali-c.
Chest; weakness; when walking; quickly; in open air; nat-m.
Chest; weakness; better when walking; 2ph-ac.
Chest; weakness; feels weak around the heart; 2ars-i., 2aur-m., 2aur., gels., lob., 2merc., 1naja., 2ph-ac., 2rhus-t., sang., sumb., thuj.
Chest; weakness; feels weak around the heart; after entering cool room from a walk in hot sun; 1rhus-t.
Chest; weakness; feels weak around the heart; tired feeling; 1nux-v.