Back; pain; Extending to other parts
View page in remedy finderBack; pain; extending to other parts; abdomen; cham.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; arms; calc-ar., 2calc.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; ears; gels.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; feet; bor., sep.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; groin; 2sabin., 2sulph.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; head; 2calc., 2chin-s., hell., nat-m., sep., sil.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; head; after exertion; nat-m.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; head; on every step; sep.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; toward heart; nat-m.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; heels; colch., 2sep.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; hips; bol., cimic., 2lach., 2lyss., mosch.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; knees; arn., 2kali-c.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; lower extremities; agar., ars., bell., 2calc-ar., 2calc., camph., 2kali-c., lach., lob-c., 2phos., 1rhus-t.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; neck; sang.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; nape of neck, in evening, after lying down; nat-c.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; back of head; 2gels., 2puls.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; back of head; and top of head; 1puls.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; pelvis; 2eupi.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; base of spine; con., tep.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; shoulder; chel., chin., 2kalm., lyc.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; stomach; 1cupr., lyc., nicc., nit-ac., puls., rhod., thuj.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; stomach; on pressure; 2bell.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; stomach; while sitting; bry., nicc.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; testes; sulph.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; to thighs; cimic., 2kali-c., 2lyc., 2nux-v., ox-ac.
Back; pain; extending to other parts; down thighs; 2cimic., 2nit-ac., ox-ac., 2sep.