Repertory listing

Back; pain; neck; extending to other parts; Shoulders

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Back; pain; neck; extending to other parts; shoulders; alum., bor., calc-p., camph., caust., crot-h., daph., dios., gels., graph., ip., kali-n., kalm., lach., laur., mez., mosch., nat-m., phyt., sang., stry., thuj., 2verat-v.

Back; pain; neck; extending to other parts; shoulders; evening, after lying down; lyc.

Back; pain; neck; extending to other parts; shoulders; on movement; equis.

Back; pain; neck; extending to other parts; shoulders; between shoulders; am-m., 2apis.

Back; pain; neck; extending to other parts; shoulders; to right; 2acon., alum., hydr.

Back; pain; neck; extending to other parts; shoulders; to left; bor., ran-b.

Back; pain; neck; extending to other parts; shoulders; to left; while walking; bor.