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Back; pain; lumbar; Extending to other parts

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Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; to front; 2berb., bry., cham., kreos., lach.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; to front; around abdomen; 1berb.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; to front; over hip to ovaries and womb; vib.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; to upper right arm and lower left arm; alum.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; arms; rhod.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; up the back; ars., dirc., nat-a., nux-v.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; bladder and groin; bell.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; around the body; acon., caust., cham., 2cimic.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; over the whole body; mez.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; along coccyx; carb-v., equis., hura.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; worse downward, stooping; staph.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; downward and upwards; 2kali-c.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; downward and upwards; worse walking; hep.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; to the upper middle region of abdomen at night; lyc.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; feet; 2bor., lyc., lyss., sep., still.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; genitals; 2carl., dros., erig.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; buttock muscles and thighs; 1kali-c.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; Groins

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; hip; 2aesc., am-c., 2am-m., 2bol., carb-v., gels., kali-bi., 2lach., mosch., 2nux-v., pall., 2sep., 2sil.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; hip; morning, on rising; euphr., thuj.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; hip; over the hip to region of navel, better by rubbing; lil-t.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; hips and legs; afternoon; ars., dios.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; hips and legs; during period; nit-ac.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; to behind lower ribs, morning on waking; kali-n.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; knee; plb., psor.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; Down the legs

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; to the limbs, on bending backward and on raising the body; carl.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; to the left lung; sep.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; buttocks; 1kali-c., thuj.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; to the knee cap, and back; tarent.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; to the chest muscles and arms; brach.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; pelvis; aloe., tep.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; pelvis; back of pelvis and thighs; 1berb.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; perineum; canth.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; pubic bone; mag-c., 1sabin.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; rectum; aloe., calc., coc-c., lyc.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; base of spine; cimic., 2nux-m.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; base of spine; and coccyx; sulph.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; base of spine and thighs; kali-bi.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; shoulder blades; sulph.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; shoulders; ars., indg.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; toward the right side, after rising from bending; ox-ac.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; down the spermatic cords, after emission; sars.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; stomach; nicc., nit-ac., puls., thuj.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; testes; abrot., sulph.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; testes; on coughing; osm.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; Thighs

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; navel; prun-s., rhus-v.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; Upward

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; womb; elaps., helon., 2nat-m.

Back; pain; lumbar; extending to other parts; vagina; kreos.