Back; pain; sacrum; Extending to other parts
View page in remedy finderBack; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; to coccyx, while sitting; kreos.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; to groin; plat., 2sabin., 1sulph.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; to groin; during period; arn., 2sabin., 1sulph.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; feet; lyc.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; front; 2arg-m.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; hips; 1aesc., berb., cimx., coloc., 2lac-c., pall., phyt., puls., 1sep., ust.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; hips and pelvis; arg-n.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; hips and thighs; 2cimic., 2lac-c., 2sep.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; hips and thighs; during labour; 2cimic.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; hips and thighs; while sitting; thuj.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; down legs; 2agar., arn., cimx., 2coloc., 2graph., 2lac-c., lyc., 2med., 2pic-ac., plat., plb., 2sep.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; down legs; to great toe; arn.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; down legs; after stool; rhus-t.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; legs and feet; 2cimic., cimx., 2lac-c., 2lil-t., 2sep.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; ovarian region; ust.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; to pubic bone; arg-m., helon., 2laur., 1sabin., 2sulph.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; right hip; 2sulph.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; thighs; arn., berb., 2cimic., 2coloc., kali-c., kreos., nux-v., 2sec., 2sep., 2sulph., 2tell.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; thighs; worse pain in right thigh, pressing at stool or cough aggravates; 1tell.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; thighs; while sitting; thuj.
Back; pain; sacrum; extending to other parts; womb; 2cham., helon., nat-m.