Back; pain; Junction of pelvis and spine
View page in remedy finderBack; pain; junction of pelvis and spine; 1aesc., 2ant-t., apis., 2arg-n., 2bry., 2calc-p., 2cimic., 2coloc., dios., ferr., gels., hep., jug-c., nat-p., ol-j., plb., rhus-t., rumx., sabad., spong., sulph., 2thuj.
Back; pain; junction of pelvis and spine; right; nat-p.
Back; pain; junction of pelvis and spine; as if separated; calc-p.
Back; pain; junction of pelvis and spine; extending to groin; 2thuj.
Back; pain; junction of pelvis and spine; extending down back of thigh during labour; 2cimic.