Back; pain; As though the back would break
View page in remedy finderBack; pain; as though the back would break; 2aesc., 2alum., 1bell., chel., cocc., 2kali-c., kalm., kreos., 2nat-m., 2nux-v., vario.
Back; pain; as though the back would break; during period; 1bell., 2nux-v., 2vib.
Back; pain; as though the back would break; during suppressed period; 1bell., 2nux-v.
Back; pain; as though the back would break; neck; 1bell., 2chel., form.
Back; pain; as though the back would break; dorsal; 2lil-t.
Back; pain; as though the back would break; lumbar; aloe., arg-m., 1bell., chel., 2ham., 2kreos., 1lyc., nat-m., nux-v., plat.
Back; pain; as though the back would break; lumbar; better movement; kreos.
Back; pain; as though the back would break; lumbar; when stooping; 1chel.
Back; pain; as though the back would break; base of spine; aloe., 2berb., cimic., kali-c.
Back; pain; as though the back would break; base of spine; while lying down; berb.
Back; pain; as though the back would break; base of spine; while sitting; berb.