Repertory listing

Back; pain; pulling; Coccyx (bottom tip of spine)

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Back; pain; pulling; coccyx; 2calc., carb-v., 1caust., graph., kreos., lil-t., mur-ac., 2rhus-t., 2thuj.

Back; pain; pulling; coccyx; evening; 2caust., graph.

Back; pain; pulling; coccyx; during period; caust., 2cic., graph., kreos., thuj.

Back; pain; pulling; coccyx; comes on suddenly; thuj.

Back; pain; pulling; coccyx; better rising from a seat; kreos.

Back; pain; pulling; coccyx; while sitting; 2kreos., 2thuj.

Back; pain; pulling; coccyx; sticking while walking; bry.

Back; pain; pulling; coccyx; sensation of pulling upwards from tip of coccyx; lil-t.

Back; pain; pulling; coccyx; preventing urination; thuj.

Back; pain; pulling; coccyx; extending upwards; mur-ac.

Back; pain; pulling; coccyx; extending to rectum and vagina; 2kreos.

Back; pain; pulling; coccyx; extending to thighs; 2thuj.