Back; pulsating; Neck
View page in remedy finderBack; pulsating; neck; 1apis., 2calc-p., chel., con., cur., daph., 2eup-per., ferr., glon., lyss., manc., nat-m., 2nat-s., 2nit-ac., op., 2phos., raph., staph., sulph., sumb., 1verat-v.
Back; pulsating; neck; better holding head backward; lyss., manc.
Back; pulsating; neck; on lying down; plb.
Back; pulsating; neck; before period; 2nit-ac.
Back; pulsating; neck; during period; 2nit-ac., 1verat-v.
Back; pulsating; neck; worse movement; 2ferr.
Back; pulsating; neck; while sitting; 2calc-p.
Back; pulsating; neck; worse writing; manc.
Back; pulsating; neck; extending to forehead, on moving or stooping; ter.
Back; pulsating; neck; extending to forehead and back of head; chel.
Back; pulsating; neck; extending to lumbar; cur.
Back; pulsating; neck; extending to shoulder; 1apis., con.