Extremities, limbs; heat; Hand
View page in remedy finderExtremities, limbs; heat; hand; acon., aesc., 1agar., aloe., alum., alumn., anac., 2ant-t., apis., arg-n., ars-i., arum-d., arund., asaf., 2bar-c., bar-m., 1bell., berb., bol., bor., brom., bufo., cadm., calad., calc-s., calc., camph., cann-s., caps., carb-an., carb-s., 2carb-v., cast., 2cham., 1chel., chin-a., chin-s., chin., chlor., cina., clem., cocc., coff., colch., com., corn., croc., crot-t., cub., cur., 2cycl., daph., dig., dros., dulc., eup-per., euphr., fago., ferr-i., ferr-ma., ferr-p., ferr., 2fl-ac., form., gad., gamb., gels., 2glon., gran., 2graph., grat., 2guai., ham., hep., hura., hydr., hyos., ign., 2iod., iris., 2kali-bi., 2kali-c., 2kali-p., kali-s., kreos., 1lach., lact-ac., lact., laur., 1led., 2lil-t., 1lyc., 2mag-c., mang., merc., merl., mez., mill., morph., mur-ac., murx., 1nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nicc., 1nit-ac., 1nux-m., 2nux-v., ol-an., 1op., ox-ac., 2petr., 2ph-ac., phel., 1phos., phys., pip-m., 2plan., 2psor., ptel., 1puls., raph., rat., rheum., 1rhod., rhus-t., rhus-v., ruta., 2sabad., sang., sarr., sars., 1sep., sil., sol-t-ae., 2spig., spong., 2stann., 1staph., stront., 1sulph., sumb., tab., 1tarax., til., verat., zinc.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; Morning
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; late morning, 10 a.m.; fago., gels., pip-m.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; noon; mag-c.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; Afternoon
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; Evening
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; Night
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; better open air; phos., verat.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; with anxiety; carb-v., phos.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; during chill; 2apis., 2chin., 2cina., 2nat-c., nux-v., ph-ac., phos., puls., spong.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; during cold; apis., cadm., nat-s., puls., rat.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; with internal cold; alum., coff.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; cold after hot; sep.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; one hand cold and pale, the other hot; mosch.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; during coldness of left arm; sep.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; during coldness of face; cina., nat-c.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; during coldness of feet; acon., calad., com., 2nux-m., 2sep.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; during coldness of feet; or hot feet and cold hands; 1sep.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; alternating with coldness; cocc., sec.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; after eating, hot and burning; lyc., phos., sulph.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; from excitement; graph., phos., sep.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; hand hot in flushes; colch., hydr., pip-m., 1sulph.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; flushes beginning in hands; 2phos.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; after a fright; calc.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; while lying on the back; ign.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; during period; carb-v., petr., sec.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; heat in one hand, coldness of the other; chin., cocc., 2dig., 2ip., mosch., 2puls., tab.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; during cold perspiration; hura.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; when shivering; ign.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; while sitting; calc.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; when going to sleep; alum.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; with stitching, sudden, sharp pain; gamb.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; during stool; hep.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; sudden; ferr-m., glon.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; from talking; graph.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; after vomiting; verat.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; while writing; chin-s., mez.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; back of hand; all-c., ang., 2apis., chel., 1nat-c., nux-v., 1rhus-t., sep., sulph., thuj.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; ball of hand; carb-v.
Extremities, limbs; heat; hand; Palm