Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; Incoordination
View page in remedy finderExtremities, limbs; movements and positions; incoordination; 2agar., 1alum., arg-n., bell., 2calc., carb-s., caust., chlol., coca., cocc., 1con., 2cupr., 2gels., merc., 2onos., 2ph-ac., 2phos., 2plb., sec., 2stram., 2sulph., tab., 2zinc.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; incoordination; ataxia; 2agar., 1alum., 2arg-n., ars., 2calc., 2caust., 2cocc., crot-c., 2fl-ac., 2gels., 2graph., 2hell., 2helod., 2kali-br., 2lach., 2lil-t., naja., nux-m., 2nux-v., 2onos., 2phos., 2plb., 2sil., 2stram., 2sulph., 2zinc.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; incoordination; upper limbs; bell., cupr., 2gels., 2merc., 2onos., plb.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; incoordination; upper limbs; while walking; hyos.
Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; incoordination; lower limbs; 2alum., bell., chlol., crot-c., 2nux-m., 2onos., 2phos., 2plb., 2sil., 2sulph.